When mental strength meets physical conditioning



Strength is often defined as “the quality of being physically strong.” We take this one step further and say that if you are not mentally strong, you will not become physically strong. We must start with our mind, as our body is only capable of accomplishing what our mind can conceive.

“Think you will, or think you won’t, either way you’ll be right”

We have worked with Professional Athletes, All-Americans, and countless college athletes to develop our training philosophies. We start with a basic program to develop discipline, then we progress into intense weight training to develop strength / explosive power for each designated sport. We have had no injuries in the 5 years of training athletes, and I am able to guarantee an increase of 100 lbs onto all compound lifts in 90 days if the program is followed precisely.


Conditioning is defined as “the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.” Building off of what I said above, athletes now a days don’t realize sports are 90% mental and 10% physical. If we can condition their minds via intense discipline and leadership techniques, the athlete will be able to accomplish anything he / she would like to physically.

The Work

We use a plethora of different training techniques including HIIT, dynamic mobility, plyometrics, loaded stability, and therapeutic exercises. We believe consistency, discipline, and resiliency is what separates the different levels of athletics. Our athletes are constantly working to excel in all 3 arenas.